I caught up with Station 19 and I feel like Carina should work on the PRT. Having her go back and forth on Greys Anatomy is fine too but if she’s only on Station 19 when it’s time to be Maya’s girlfriend idk. I know the season just came back and they might have a plan for Carina but I have never watched Greys other than the episodes were they mesh and I don’t want to, lol. I just want them to give Carina things to do on Station 19 that aren’t Maya related!

For sure, for sure, it would suck on both a character and ship level if she was always and only defined by Maya. 

I think we floated the idea that she worked on the PRT when we got the news she was a regular but it always seemed odd for an obgyn. The other thing we joked about was that they just have baby related emergencies on S19 every week and while there is one coming up I don’t think they really can do that… 

I’m not sure what we’ll get aside from that, Maya and Carina at home every ep can’t be enough to justify regular status, right? I remember we also suggested that they may have just wanted to get her on contract to be available to both shows, that Grey’s might have had other actors it wanted to sign on for the season so S19 took Stefania, but she might still end up more on Grey’s? In the first Grey’s eps there was a lot of her but that was actually mostly last season’s footage in flashback form so……I guess we’ll see.