I caught up with Station 19 and I feel like Carina should work on the PRT. Having her go back and forth on Greys Anatomy is fine too but if she’s only on Station 19 when it’s time to be Maya’s girlfriend idk. I know the season just came back and they might have a plan for Carina but I have never watched Greys other than the episodes were they mesh and I don’t want to, lol. I just want them to give Carina things to do on Station 19 that aren’t Maya related!

For sure, for sure, it would suck on both a character and ship level if she was always and only defined by Maya. 

I think we floated the idea that she worked on the PRT when we got the news she was a regular but it always seemed odd for an obgyn. The other thing we joked about was that they just have baby related emergencies on S19 every week and while there is one coming up I don’t think they really can do that… 

I’m not sure what we’ll get aside from that, Maya and Carina at home every ep can’t be enough to justify regular status, right? I remember we also suggested that they may have just wanted to get her on contract to be available to both shows, that Grey’s might have had other actors it wanted to sign on for the season so S19 took Stefania, but she might still end up more on Grey’s? In the first Grey’s eps there was a lot of her but that was actually mostly last season’s footage in flashback form so……I guess we’ll see.

Ugh I too am disappointed by so many peoples reactions to Happiest Season. I feel like so many people missed the point. We were supposed to dislike Harper’s actions because HARPER disliked who she was with her family but she couldn’t stop herself. It had been ingrained in her for so long – be the perfect daughter! And if she wasn’t perfect she’d lose their affections (like how Jane was nothing more to her family than the wifi fixer and Sloan was nothing more than the mother of biracial twins. They fell from their parent’s ideal of perfection so their parents withheld full love and acceptance of them). Sorry for the rant. I’m just so sad at some of the reactions. It’s like people forgot that closet people are closeted for a reason. This film resonated with so many people – being in love with someone but afraid to take them home for the holidays. Also it was a cute, meaningful film and I just don’t know why LGBT people feel like it’s cool to knock all of our media. I’m over it.

Regarding your last line, as I’ve said before, I’m always okay with LGBT people criticizing our media, it’s for us, we’re no more critical than anyone else, we can do that. 

But in this case, I do definitely have an issue with what that criticism is. Truly, the way people are acting about closeted people in general is eye-opening and hugely hurtful. I had no idea until now how many people don’t think of closeted people as…equally queer? Queer at all? Again and again, I’m seeing narratives where Harper is just…apparently choosing to be closeted for no reason at all, basically another straight person and deliberately treating Abby like this because she wants to or something. 

The problem isn’t that the movie isn’t clear enough about the point or that people missed it, it’s that they think she brought this on herself.

I’m sure you’re getting bombarded with Happiest Season anons lol but I just wanted to say that the relationship between Abby and Reilly was wonderful. It felt like a safe space for Abby, especially that night at the gay bar. The contrast between that bar and the other one with Harper was night and day. I loved that transition.

Heh, I hadn’t gotten many HS-related asks at all when you sent this. 

But yes, I thought it was great, and something where you really have to be aware of the queerness of the characters, that this role for Abby was filled by another wlw. And for sure, those two scenes provided a very effective deliberate contrast between where those two were and where Harper was.

Watching shows like Happiest Season proves yet again how I am in desperate need for more shows like this :( I need more wlw, real life is way too straight for my liking. I wish we could all be our real authentic selves without the hurt and the fear :( do you know of any more movies/shows coming out or have already come out, that are similar?

I get you, buddy. I’m not sure there are many movies like this, though. There’s A New York Christmas Wedding, and I guess Lez Bomb? Did you mean holiday themed movies or just where wlw characters are…happy? Not many more of the former, but for the latter there’s the first list here: https://booasaur.tumblr.com/post/633730364584656896/hey-any-lesbian-moviefilm-recs-for-me-or-a-list (except Battle of the Sexes, I think?)

Have you watched A New York Christmas Wedding? It’s a f/f movie with an Afro Latinx lead and a happy ending I loved it personally

Have you heard of a New York Christmas Wedding?

I have, I have, but I read a bunch of reviews before watching because the premise made it seem like it could go either way and then it was kind uh…darker than I expected, in that original timeline. I have heard nice things about how it actually turned out, so I’ll watch it at some point, but I’m gone pretty off f/f movies at the moment. 😡

So I started watching Filthy Rich and I got up to episode 9 and I know there’s one more episode left but I’m confused? What was the point of putting Becky and Ginger together if they were just gonna break up in the next ep? Like if it was hust for the divorce then why have that convo about how they wanted to give their relationship a shot? Like th divorce is the only way the show has been affected so far so I’m just very confused.

And another anon:

I’m all confused as why they were gonna have them together Becky and Ginger to break them up so quick?

I know! It’s just so weird narratively?? They didn’t need to do that if they didn’t want to, it barely had any impact on the rest of the show. Now I’m not even sure why Becky is a character that exists at all, for all the effect on the show she’s had? Unless she’s going to take up Paul’s mantle, but even so, what does this all have to do with Becky/Ginger and why have the convo they did in 1×08…I don’t know… Ugh, it’s so much harder to deal with badly written drama than effectively written but devastating angst.

yo some anons really gotta chill….She can choose what she wants to watch alright. Nothing wrong with deciding to watch only what interests you. There was no need having to keep explaining and explaining when her decision has been made. Doesn’t seem like she changes her mind that easily once her mind is made up lol Thanks for ALL the awesome gifs you’ve made!!

And another anon:

as someone who loved bly manor, I feel the need to reiterate that your reasons for not wanting to watch it are totally valid and idk what that anon’s problem is but jesus christ

Ah, thanks, guys! It’s fine, though, it was clearly a very nonsensical ask, the quality or lack thereof had nothing to do with why I watched or didn’t, and I’m not gonna think BM is horrible by association. I can be stubborn, huh, first anon. 😛

I love that even you, that notoriously don’t watch many movies, watched happiest season. I think it was a kind of movie many of us were craving. I’m glad you enjoyed it too

Yeah! I really liked it, much more than I expected to.

Though, I was really happy at first to be sharing in this popular f/f thing, since I’ve missed out on some of the recent big communal experiences, I’m honestly a little sad and hurt at the attitude about closeted people I’ve seen from shockingly so many people, people who I know try to approach other things with kindness. I feel more distant from the community than before so it’s been a little soured for me, sadly.

I’m sorry I’m replying your positive ask like this and I’m truly glad other people are enjoying it! 🙂 We did all need something like this, especially this year.