I wish that there wasn’t this feeling of “Haha, I suck.” Among fan fiction writers.
Don’t apologize for not being able to update regularly.
Don’t apologize for what happens in your life.
Enjoy taking your time with things. Update when you want. Consume other works when (and while) you’re stuck.
You’re not a word generating machine. You’re a person, and I am grateful that you’ve chosen to share your stories with us.
Thank you.
I needed this just now thank you.
I wish that there wasn’t this feeling of “Haha, I suck.” Among fan fiction writers.
Don’t apologize for not being able to update regularly.
Don’t apologize for what happens in your life.
Enjoy taking your time with things. Update when you want. Consume other works when (and while) you’re stuck.
You’re not a word generating machine. You’re a person, and I am grateful that you’ve chosen to share your stories with us.
Thank you.
I needed this just now thank you.
I’m looking for a TV intern at Autostraddle dot com
Hey, y’all! I am looking for a personal/TV intern to help me make Autostraddle’s queer TV coverage EVEN BETTER.
What I can offer you:
I will mentor you in TV writing, social media/brand building, shopping out your work, interviewing celebrities, turning the storm in your brain into readable content, and other things I have mastered in my seven years of writing for the Lesbian Blogger Community.
I have mentored many aspiring TV writers who now get paid to type words about television!
What I need from you:
+ You gotta love queer women on TV. That’s gotta to be a real passion for you. If you understand the intricacies of fandom – and probably you do because you’re on Tumblr – that’s EVEN BETTER.
+ Five to six hours a week devoted to things like screencapping; basic Photoshop work; downloading promotional photos and materials; maybe contributing your writing to Boob(s On Your) Tube.
+ Reliability! You’ll be delivering photos and writing to me at least twice a week on a very firm deadline. No wiggle room. For real, for real. The work is going to take some time and some of it is going to be boring.
+ You need to know how to screencap, how to acquire TV shows online (I can help you learn this), how to do basic Photoshop things.
+ I need you to be a generally nice and fun lady person!
How to apply:
Send me an email (heather at autostraddle dot com)! Tell me why you want to partner with me on this and why you’d be awesome at it. Link me to any social media you want me to see.
People always ask me how to get into writing about TV for queer ladies. This is a good start!
I’m looking for a TV intern at Autostraddle dot com
Hey, y’all! I am looking for a personal/TV intern to help me make Autostraddle’s queer TV coverage EVEN BETTER.
What I can offer you:
I will mentor you in TV writing, social media/brand building, shopping out your work, interviewing celebrities, turning the storm in your brain into readable content, and other things I have mastered in my seven years of writing for the Lesbian Blogger Community.
I have mentored many aspiring TV writers who now get paid to type words about television!
What I need from you:
+ You gotta love queer women on TV. That’s gotta to be a real passion for you. If you understand the intricacies of fandom – and probably you do because you’re on Tumblr – that’s EVEN BETTER.
+ Five to six hours a week devoted to things like screencapping; basic Photoshop work; downloading promotional photos and materials; maybe contributing your writing to Boob(s On Your) Tube.
+ Reliability! You’ll be delivering photos and writing to me at least twice a week on a very firm deadline. No wiggle room. For real, for real. The work is going to take some time and some of it is going to be boring.
+ You need to know how to screencap, how to acquire TV shows online (I can help you learn this), how to do basic Photoshop things.
+ I need you to be a generally nice and fun lady person!
How to apply:
Send me an email (heather at autostraddle dot com)! Tell me why you want to partner with me on this and why you’d be awesome at it. Link me to any social media you want me to see.
People always ask me how to get into writing about TV for queer ladies. This is a good start!
when you say “it made you feel pretty awful” – in what context?
Ah, it was well written and while it wasn’t a documentary or anything, it certainly made me think of the things like that happened for real, all that manipulation and using of women and it made me feel bad for the real people who go through that.