(Different Anon) but yeah i agree with you,i think they cancelled bc they probably didn’t want to keep holding the actors indefinitely till they could finally film cause that inactive time falls all on Netflix’s pocket. In the meantime if you want TBH to get renewed i would recommend posting lots of it on twitter, essentially giving it hype so Netflix can see its a show worth renewing (thats what got WN a second season) Also from what I’m seeing Netflix did a shit job promoting TBH

Yeah, they really didn’t give it a chance in the promo department, even WN I’d heard of in the weeks leading up to the premiere, probably because the title and premise were so wild, and the trailer played it up, the kind of thing people passed around half as a joke. I wouldn’t have known about TBH at all if I hadn’t looked up new shows dropping that day.

In general I agree that posting on Twitter drives up engagement and shows interest so I’d advise that for people who want to work toward a renewal but also watching it on Netflix, if they can, helps loads. 

And another anon:

Noooooo!!! Apparently Maddie and Devon did a live but no one recorded it, such a shame ? (hopefully they do more in the future) id love to see what they have to say about their characters

I know! I missed it too, only caught a clip somebody uploaded, which was pretty lol-worthy, but it’s awesome they did it at all. I kind of love that moment after a new ship drops and the actresses suddenly realize, oh, this is gonna be popular. And then there’s that nice period where it’s all a mutual appreciation society (we won’t talk about the dreaded final stage). I wonder if they’ll do official promo together, given they DID have a core storyline and a lot of the fan interest has been around them. But as the above anon said, there’s really been so little official promo for the show at all, including with just Maddie and Anjelica.