Did you watch all of Devon’s take over? She answered a question about April moving her hand from Sterling’s face to her waist and it was PERFECT.

I hadn’t watched till I saw this and I guess because of the 100 story limit I missed the start? But I saw a bunch and they were great. 🙂 And lol, the answer to that one, nice. She was super personable and self-aware and funny as always, it was worth the watch. And again, I’m struck by how clear and sweet her voice is! Theater major, I guess.

Teenage bounty hunter got cancelled

I know! I’m so disappointed. On so many fronts, tbh. First, I just liked the show and obviously especially Stepril and the twins and wanted to see what would happen to them. Second, it was a really good show, well done in every way, pacing, writing, casting, acting, so it’s disappointing to see it not succeed when it did everything right. And then, I’m just sad for them all, they seemed really nice. Plus, it bothers me that it didn’t really get the promo others did, so it just seems unfair all around.

I’m hoping things can still turn around, especially if part of this was due to covid, which seems unpredictable. It’s not like people are gonna go and make something else in the meantime, everyone’s waiting, for ALL these shows.

I noticed the fandom is pretty split on this when i ask so i will ask you as well.. Would Sterling or April be owed an apology in season 2. Some say no April was super messy knowing how Sterling felt about her being mean to her an flirting with her ex boyfriend right in her face so fucked up that pretty much evens our the dad thing. Than others are saying kind of true but she cause April alot of pain too. An she let april open up to her knowing shes why this is happening to April.

Ooh, good question. (Haha, me trying to be upbeat and act like nothing’s changed. :/)

I would think both are, no? Both doing things that hurt the other doesn’t just, like, cancel things out. You’ve laid it out quite clearly, while April is absolutely within her rights to change her mind and not come out and even break up, acting how she did at the lock-in wasn’t justified.Though I’m not sure, after that conversation, if there’d been a season 2 if Sterling would have ever have gotten an apology for specifically that. April DEFINITELY would have gotten one for Sterling hiding EVERYTHING about her dad but probably too late, probably after she found out some other way.

That episode of when Blair is running back and forth from the record company and her date with Miles was such a sitcom/90s moment. This show was so much fun and I appreciated its lightheartedness and goofy moments.

Yeah! It was very classic even ‘80s sitcoms farce, getting into these silly situations. There was a lot of that kind of comedy, like with Bowser and when he picked up Blair’s call during the raid and like, ALL the times they went after skips, really, lol. Really enjoyed how fun it was, even aside from that type of comedy, the show as a whole seemed closer to the ‘90s style instead of the edgy darker teen stuff that’s been taking over.

Im really curious to know what you think April’s thought process was after grabbing Sterlings arm at the debate? Like i just cant get over the look in her eyes when she realizes what she did (to me she looked really freaked out)

Yay, the good thing about delaying answering these asks is that now I have the benefit of knowing from Devon’s interviews how she was playing these, so that totally affects how I think of that scene. 

Although even without that, I tend to go very conservative (as in playing it safest and lowballing, not…being a rights-denying bigot) with how I read f/f scenes, just from years of not wanting to hope for too much or be called delusional or even predatory, thinking it’s more Objective to see less explicit f/f even when canon, which is–that’s a whole separate issue–but it is how I am, so I was already thinking it was more just April catching herself, realizing how emotional and upset she was getting, losing control of herself and pulling back. 

And that’s backed by Devon’s interviews now, she wasn’t playing it overtly as April realizing there was something sexual or romantic there, not that that isn’t still a possible layer in all this, in fact, in canon it IS there in the whole arc, there IS some physical awareness of Sterling growing in April, but for the most part, no, I didn’t read that as the same kind of awakening for her as it was for Sterling. I mean, it wouldn’t have been an “awakening” in the same sense even, she’s long known how she feels about women, but I still don’t think it was her going, oh no, this is an intense Adele sitch. I think she was just so upset and bothered by everything in her world then, her family, Craig Wu, and most especially Sterling, things like crushes and romance were not on her mind at all, not even to suddenly snap her out of the spiraling mood.