I gotta say this is the first time i’m offended at something you post. That question about Demi and Kristian being fake and your answer are a bit too much. To see a lesbian having the same position as homophobic haters isn’t a good look at all. Demi and Kristian have been seeing each each since January you can see that clearly from their insta interactions months ago so they didn’t meet yesterday and decide to fake it and get hated on. Fyi Demi was outed by her ex months ago.

My position of saying I did think they were real? I’d expect some bits were worked around for narrative convenience since it is a TV show but I definitely landed on the real side? 

Reading back my post, I guess I implied they’re only as real as any reality show couple can be, which, okay, correction, I do think they’re more real than most other couples from reality shows. But the rest of my post definitely implies I do think it’s real? The hypothetical about me not caring even if it wasn’t was just to show how much I wasn’t actually invested in trying to figure it out either way.