
skye detests me. she thinks i’m a monster. are you?

#she is literally talking in emo edits made by fangirls #she is speaking the self pitying shit that goes right to the center of grant ward’s soul #she is manipulating a master manipulator and it’s beautiful #because god that first time in episode three #when she told him about her past #(and yes. the abuse.) #what he heard was: #”i’m just like you.” #and he thought maybe she is. #maybe she would be like him and would have made the choices he’s made. #maybe she’s helpless too.#but then she said no. then she said not me. #then she saved herself and said she had a choice. #(when he literally told her no. give up. it’s over. she struck back. she said no.) #and he thought: she’s not like me after all. #but god he wants to believe #that there’s a monster under skye’s skin #that validates every choice he’s ever made #that peels the guilt away so he never has to look at what lies underneath (via perpetuallyfive)