Omg is there f/f in away?? (Spoilers pleeaase :D)

Yes! The main cast are five different astronauts, the actual lead being Hilary Swank’s American mission commander, and also men from India, Russia, and Ghana/Britain, and then a woman from China, Wang Lu. She has a husband and young son but we see in flashbacks how she met the team comms person on the ground, Chen Mei. 

Mei’s in the first couple of eps as mostly a background character but ep 3 is when we really delve into her and Lu, and although she’s sent away and not in the remaining 7 eps (boooo), there’s still hope for them after this three year mission to Mars is over. It’s…really sweet and specific to these characters, who and what they are, where they’re from. I liked it.

As always, All the Lilies did the work and put together their story for anyone who just wants to watch that: