Thanks for posting gifs of another show where Humberly Gonzalez plays a lesbian her sMILE I’m so gay. I ended up watching the entire season of utopia falls after watching a Brooklyn/Sage compilation and I actually really enjoyed the show. It was surprisingly light in terms of violence etc for a dystopian show which was nice if unrealistic lol. But wow! Brooklyn/Sage didn’t have a ton of coupley screentime, but it was so refreshing to see literally everyone else support them! (1/2)

I don’t think I’ve ever seen another show where the main f/f couple is literally acknowledged by every other character that way? Usually we are shunted to separate storylines unless there’s coming out drama. But everyone from Mags to Bohdi to Aliyah to Sage’s grans & siblings to Tempo to side characters like Regget and Sierra knew about their relationship and had support or advice or just the general validation that something was there! I’m not used to that! I was blown away tbh. 2/2

Humberly Gonzalez has a GREAT smile! As soon as she showed up in UF, I was like, who is this, why’s she so familiar, I feel like I really liked her in something else recently? I literally had to look her up and was like ohhhh. She seemed so much taller in In the Dark, lol. 

Heh, definitely unrealistic for it to be so light but I didn’t mind. It’s a show about this group of kids bringing back diversity of expression and opinion through teamwork and song and dance, it only made sense that everything was kept lighter. 

But absolutely, aside from how actually charming Brooklyn/Sage were, I loved how much other people were involved. At most, our stories are relevant when other people have homophobic opinions, but here they were just treated like a normal relationship, with people teasing them, offering advice. It’s so rare, you almost don’t notice how isolated our stories usually are, until you see how easily they can be acknowledged by more characters. And for both of them, Brooklyn and Sage, both important characters, it affected their individual storylines and those affected the main storyline in turn. I’m really liking this trajectory of storylines that are simply more significant, they don’t always have to be super shippy or fluffy, they just matter more.