Omgggg I stopped watching ouat after s1, but Regina and Emma totally belonged together and it’s clear the show did not know how to deal with that lol. But from what bits and pieces I’ve seen post s1, the show blew up the storylines that’d make the most sense Bc they def couldn’t have a f/f ship be the focus. Ouat was kinda the opposite of poi, they accidentally wrote soulmates and torpedoed it for the heteros. If one of them had been a dude they would’ve 100% gone in for the romance.

Arghhh, right? God, I LOVED the first season. I loved it as a show. I loved the cheesiness, Snow, Charming, Snowing, “I will always find you”, the tinkly music when something magical happened, the parallels between Storybrooke and Fairy Tale Land in both timelines, the different and often funny spins on the fairytales, Snow White being a badass, Red Riding Hood being a werewolf (a super hot werewolf). And of course I loved that the central story seemed to be between three women with very complicated dynamics.

I just don’t get how you could write this story with this woman, a victim–as declared by the show itself–who victimizes others in turn, her biggest victim prophesied as the way to end this cycle of heartbreak and pain and then like, just…not go there? You have the Evil Queen’s son bring the White Knight to end the curse and find happiness for everyone and then decide to put them with other people? 

We say that all the time, “if one of them had been a dude, they’d have gone for the romance” and in those cases there’s a lot of chemistry and the dynamic is interesting but this is one of the only times I can think of where it’s literally part of the story. Like you said, the opposite of Shoot, which is one of those times they stumbled into chemistry/dynamic and then they decided to make it canon, here, it’s the story that supports it. Evil Queen and Snow White’s child, who both love their kid. There’s no reason to not put them together.