when i started watching star trek discovery, i thought at least michael a crush on prime philippa. then the narrative kept insisting their relationship with mother/daughter so i threw my hands in the air and said ig! and now when i watched that scene, i was all ??? this doesn’t read as platonic to me. it can’t be just me seeing things with my own two lesbian eyes (1/2)

(2/2) and speaking of michael and philippa, it was a bit annoying when they wrote michael saying “she was almost like a mother. almost like a sister” or similar idr exactly but it seems to me like the writers of discovery don’t know that women can love eachother without being family and still be platonic (or preferably not but we can’t have our cake and eat it)

Lol that you had to split this when the previous anon could ask something so much longer.

Lol, I REFUSED to buy into the momzoning. I loved Prime!Philippa in a non-motherly way and everyone else should have too! Like, when you think about it, kinda weird that women in authority positions are immediately framed as moms? Even freaking Janeway! She’s absolutely a maverick daredevil captain in the vein of Kirk but people still act like her role’s to be motherly to the crew? While men in the same position of the same age with the same temperament defffinitely aren’t.

But anyway, like, yeah, fine, if they tell me that the SAME UNIVERSE Michael/Philippa are mother/daughter, okay, okay, but I’m still gonna ship the cross-universe versions! Who are total strangers who clearly do not treat each other like mother and daughter at all?

AND THAT SCENE…like…those are romantic as any lines I’ve ever seen.


And that line in the toast, almost like a mother, almost like a sister, lol, the days are over where two unrelated women can have super strong bonds and not be familyzoned, now that the public knows f/f romance can exist. They have to include it to stop people going wait–are they? But tbh, I saw the writers as shrugging at it all now that they can, adding that friend line, because same as with the goodbye above, however people see it, that’s the last of them. It’s not something they have to worry about anymore.

Before Maya’s mom walked in, Maya was a pretty good girlfriend to Carina. Why is it the assumption that she is 100% a bad girlfriend now?

Well, she was pretty rude when Carina first visited her, but all right, fair enough, that was the one time, and at that point they weren’t girlfriends yet (as far as Maya thought) but okay. But I don’t see how Maya’s mom entering and setting that whole chain off changes what DOES happen, that is entirely on Maya? 

But it’s not that the assumption is about her alone, or that she’s all bad, it’s just that the huge thing that did happen, the fighting, the cheating, that hasn’t really been resolved, so it’s still lingering against her and in this new season, all we’ve seen is her inviting Andy to stay with them without talking to Carina and then being unfairly short about Carina’s stuff. It’s more about the writers continuing to show Maya’s issues without any balance, Carina’s response and possibly even her own issues. Nobody’s perfect all the time, but we don’t get to see any of that, just each time Maya has an issue, it’s the show itself highlighting that.

I feel like I have a lot of shows to catch up on cause uni was rough this year. Would you recommend catching up on HDM (I have a few episodes left of series 1 & all of series 2) or watching The Wilds first?

Oh, are you done now? Nice! Hmm, I found The Wilds more bingeable, HDM is pretty classic weekly eps, all continuing the same story, of course, but you feel like you can take a breather.

I tend to schedule things like this together, taking into account both experiences, so I’d go with The Wilds first, since the whole first season is out and you’ll be left impatient to know what happens next, but can then distract yourself with HDM, which still has a couple of eps left for the season. 

So, I watched Star Trek through your gifs. What do you MEAN they aren’t scorned wives?!?!?!!!!!! I only just started reading tags and I feel taken a for a ride lol. I scrolled in the most recent gifset waiting for a kiss. And nothing ! I think I’ll start watching anyway, it looks like a good show. But damn, ANOTHER missed opportunity…

I KNOW. And lol, I’m sorry, I’ve been shipping them from the first ep in one form or another despite the show constantly momzoning them. They just have so much chemistry and somehow wrote these characters to share this familiarity and knowledge of each other and this intense love that the other dynamics can’t really match, and it’s just been so interesting and watchable even in this form, let alone if they went There. That second last gifset, with the facepalming and hug and forehead touch and “my Philippa” and…yeah. So jealous of future generations when shows go there without a second thought.