danielle and stefania’s chemistry is really top-notch :’) the off-screen content (ah, yesterday’s live was super cute) makes the whole experience of investing in them even more worthwhile. any ideas in terms of what you want to see in s4? i’m hoping that carina now gets her own storylines since i’m assuming that’s what her promotion entails (and for good reason)? it’s great that s19 is being receptive towards feedback and made it a point to take advantage of their awesome chemistry!

Omg, I didn’t even know about the one yesterday! Thanks for telling me! I’d have missed it entirely. Well, I mean, thankfully it got put up on Youtube but I just didn’t even know to check! 

What the heckkkk, they’re so cute! And Jeff! And the whole story of how she found out about getting the series regular spot and awww, she was worried when Krista Vernoff called her! No wonder the other anon was like, they’re such good natural promo for the show and ship and like, even putting this vid aside I was like, yeah, they sure are, can’t disagree! Cosigning that! But they meant specifically this! Awww.

For sure, their investment and excitement just makes it better for us. For season 4…like, honestly, I’d wish for them to talk it out more, not Carina throwing it in Maya’s face but like, actually showing the work Maya’s putting into it and Carina acknowledging it, more of Maya’s mom in their lives. But yes, her own storyline, like, it’s past time. At this point, I’m not even sure if dealing with Andrew’s story will be enough, since that’s being framed very much as an Andrew and Meredith storyline, and it’ll be on Grey’s. Over on S19, I don’t really know what they can offer her professionally? Will she decide to moonlight in that ambulance unit Ben set up? Change fields? Come home and share details of her OBGYN life? Take new courses or try a new specialty? Will it have anything to do with covid? I don’t want to see covid in ANY media ever tbh, but I think Grey’s already said they’ll cover it and I don’t know how a show built around dramatically addressing emergencies won’t… 

But yeah, trepidation at Marina’s future aside, just promoting her is great, going out of their way and putting her with her literal onscreen love interest, I can’t help but think that’s all super cool and definitely a good move.

I know there’s only the finale left but if they’re continuing with Carina and Maya then going forward I wanna see her people on the show too. I watch Greys off and on but I’m caught up and I wannna see her and her brother in a scene on ’19. Talking about their issues. I mean Vic’s basically a Greys regular because of Jackson. And Ben but that makes sense coz he was actually on there so they can let us have this small thing. Otherwise I’m ready for them to relase Carina tbh she’s been through IT

Noooo, I don’t want her released! I love her and don’t want to watch Grey’s. But yeah, of course, ideally we see a lot more of her in and her background in S19, including her brother. Have he and Maya even met? 

And another anon:

I’m staying with S19, but that’s because I genuinely like the show and Maya is still my favorite character. She’s incredibly flawed and very much hurts the people she cares about, but she’s as fascinating as she is frustrating. The Maya/Carina relationship was a bonus for me because I thought the show wanted Maya/Jack. I very much prefer her with Carina but to date the relationship is so one-sided and Carina is almost too perfect. I have a feeling Maya’s world is about to rocked though in 3×16.

Exactly! Well. I don’t always love the show, it’s just so much drama. But I did like it on its own and as long as Maya isn’t with Jack, I’ll watch. That is my true dealbreaker, not even Maya/Carina splitting up. I don’t know if Maya is my favorite in terms of personality (that might actually be Travis), but very early on they revealed she was bi so I’ve always kept an eye out and been interested in her character and sympathetic because of that. And until there was an actual ship and I got invested in her not messing up, it was easier to approach the show as something where people messed up constantly and I didn’t hate them for it. 

I don’t really know why they broke up Maya/Jack, tbh, and maybe the other anon is right and that’ll be the eventual endgame, but for now, I’ll happily accept as much Carina as we can get, and as you said, some more balance and depth. I don’t know how much time there’ll be in the finale but I can’t imagine there’ll be room for much except a flat breakup. Surely whatever’ll happen Maya has to expect? And it’s such a packed episode description, if it hadn’t been for Stefania in the cast list, I wouldn’t even have thought she’d be in it. I’ll continue my finale introspection below.

And another anon:

I know it’s hard to even speculate after what happened this week, but how do you think things are going to go down in the s19 finale? And as a part 2, how do you want them to go down since both will probably be different answers haha

Hmm, based on the preview and summary and full cast list, and the fact that it’s a season finale, I expect very little for them. I discussed a whole bunch of extremely varying outcomes with my friend, from “I don’t want Maya to be the one to get hurt and Carina is all worried and forgives her because that skips over all the work Maya has to do” to “I don’t want Maya to get hurt and DIE because Danielle cut her hair so drastically before quarantine even started so does that mean she won’t be on next season” but lol, I don’t think it’ll be either of those. 

I think they’ll mostly be separated into their actual jobs, Maya as captain and Carina off in Grey’s doing whatever. Although I dunno why an OB/GYN is needed when–oh, right, this was one of their full crossover events, so it’s basically two hours of both shows mixed together and we’ll be missing an important chunk of what would have been shown during Grey’s. So it’s not even going to get its proper resolution, unless they truly would not have been in the Grey’s ep. Damn. Well, maybe we can hope Maya’s part was written to be resolved during S19 and Grey’s would have been the medical doctory stuff and not much on the personal drama. I think we’ll probably see something like her reading a text from Carina or trying to write one and then maybe it’ll end with her going to her dad’s or mom’s and we’ll be left to wonder with what motive?

What I WANT is Maya going to therapy, talking things out, making up with her mom, and then of groveling to Carina for half an hour and admitting all the ways Carina’s been right and how very sorry she is and what she’s doing to change and then in a parallel of 3×07, when she was mean about the lasagna, offering Carina an out which Carina doesn’t take.

It seems that the excitement for the half of it is misplaced and will only lead to whining about the movie after it comes out, people have been selling it as this glorious lesbian romcom when it really isn’t.

Ah, well, if the ending holds, maybe, although I wouldn’t characterize it as “whining”, I think people are allowed to be upset at the difference in what’s available. When you see Netflix put out a bunch of m/f romcoms and then one f/f movie which totally reads like a romcom, if it’s not…I get it. 

But of course on the flip side, Alice Wu is entitled to make whatever she wants, she’s not solely responsible for making up for decades of underrepresentation (especially when she made one of the first good and still tragically rare f/f romcoms we DO have) and people shouldn’t go after the cast or crew or even fans who do like it or ruin it for them. It’s always a balance, right, unless something is clearly deliberate and egregious, stick with criticizing the trends more than individual creators, don’t fill the tags with hate, etc. 

And maybe it won’t be so bad, Portrait of a Lady on Fire wasn’t the happiest ending but the f/f community embraced it. And this ending should be happier than that, at least. And you know, I realize you might be talking about two different reasons people’ll be disappointed, both the ending and the fact that it’s more about a friendship between Ellie and the dude, but Saving Face wasn’t just between Viv and Wil either. In fact, it had not only Wil and her mom but the whole separate subplot of Wil’s mom and her bf. And most of us were okay with it. It depends a lot on how it’s done and Alice Wu is pretty skilled at balancing it all. 

As much as I like Panchito, I can’t get over the fact that he has his own family. It is his family right? He’s got a wife and kids?

Yep, he does. 

I think…this series is not really one where you’re meant to judge the characters like that. Except for Johnny and Servando, who the show wants you to hate, they’re all kind of sympathetic or likable in one way or another. Even Alacran gets his goofy moments with Eva.

Panchito gets called out on it in the show, but beyond that, it’s not like the audience wants him staying with a woman he doesn’t love either. It’s not necessarily about things being excused or justified, it’s just a lack of judgment overall. 

Even Sergio, who I personally still hate, gets a much kinder framing in the cultural context in which the show exists than the one I apply (and I can also admit that I don’t love him for his involvement in Juliantina). That’s a whole different discussion, how our background influences how we see things, compared to how they’re written to be seen by their target audience. There are different lens to look at this through, and they’re all understandable.

It’s not like I have to like Sergio or you have to like Panchito, it’s just not that big a deal in the show. Hell, look at freaking Lucho and the hero’s sendoff he got, even when his penultimate action in the show was to break Sergio’s confidence and go off and tell Val about Sergio and Juls, in a scheming manipulative way the general audience would have recognized.

And another anon:

Am I the only one who still kind of wants to slap Lupe?? Liiiike lady u didn’t notice how much Val loved your daughter Before she got kidnapped?? Val legit hooked y’all up with a nice, safe place to live??? She supported your daughter while you were in the hospital, risking her own safety??? She makes Juls smile in a way that she rarely gets to Bc of urs and chinos shit!! Damn Lupe!! But then I’m happy she turned it around Bc it’s what Juls deserves.

I wanted to answer the ask above first because I think that same reasoning applies here. The show and its writing are pretty lenient on most characters. All your valid points aside, Lupe especially was serving a specific storytelling purpose, a loving parent getting over her homophobia because it’s the loving, right thing to do, and that’s that. We can spend our time continuing to hold a grudge against or just shrug and move on. I should probably do that with Sergio too, he had an even more specific purpose to serve (but we’ll see how successful I am at that, lol).

And another anon:

do we like el chino/beltrán? i mean clearly he does love Juls but like he really treated her and Lupe like shit in the past. also is he actually nice to Beltrán’s kid? i saw a scene of home feeding him soup and he seemed oddly fatherly..

Pulling up another older question to answer now because it fits with the theme. You asked this before his recent attack on Lupe but the thing is, I don’t really think even that’s really changed anything. He literally freaking attempted to rape her and yet, within the show, the way he apologized before leaving and then how we see him talking to Barbara about it, there’s still mostly likely an incoming redemption on the cards and we’re supposed to want it. 

I really didn’t like his character regression when watching, but presumably the purpose of THAT was to have Lupe finally get over him as the culmination of her longer arc, she’s been fruitlessly chasing after him for the whole show, and also to get them to move from the house.

Do we like him? That’s up to you. As I said above about Sergio, how Beltran’s intended to be read as a character is pretty different from how some of us will. We’re used to regarding rape attempts as goddamn inexcusable, but within the show, it might just get skimmed over. And with these kinds of issues it’s really hard to say, oh, well, it’s just a difference of culture. But the important thing to understand is even if you do think a certain framing is harmful and that it’s not “just a TV show”, who and where and how you target your frustration is important. The general audience for this show are the people who live with those attitudes and suffer from them the most. So while the default behavior is now to cancel him, I’m not going to judge people who continue to want to be okay with him or who still want him and Juls to be in an okay place, even if just for Juls’s sake.

LISTEN, when Trump just startes running I dreamt he was going to get it and win and I am not even from America, so it was an extremely random but a VERY true prophesy. I have had previous successes! I have references! Although, on other hand, I once also dreamt that dancing carrots would invade Estonia, so I do recommend a healthy amount of sceptism…

I believe that first thing is what’s called a “nightmare”? 

Well, if they do get a second season, maybe it’s Estonia who should be watching out.

We have Renata and I’m sure Lucia will take it well

Lucia’s going to take it exactly the opposite of Eva on principle, lmao. Although, although, on a deeper level, she probably understands Juls the most. There’s a reason Lucia/Leon are often paralleled against Juls/Val. They’re both from difficult childhoods and have fought to overcome the external stigma and their own issues that come from it. And they’re in love with incredibly romantic Carvajals.

Renata owns a cat, I mean, we knew she’d be fine with it.