I love both Andy/Quynh AND Andy/Nile but what I’m really hoping for is a delicious Quynh/Nile dynamic somewhere in my future >.>

Sorry, I forgot about this one non-TBH ask. Hmm, I gotta say, I’m very much an Andy/Quynh person myself and fully expect Quynh to not survive so I’d want more of her time to be spent with Andy, buuuut, if there is one person who’d be instrumental in bringing Quynh back to the good guys, it really would be Nile… 

Not read the comics so just speculating based on the movie, but I can totally imagine scenes between just Quynh and Nile where Qunyh starts off underestimating Nile and confused and angry that Andy cares so much about her and then getting why. Okay, you’ve convinced me, but I still mean in a platonic sense, I’m not gonna give up on Andy/Quynh!