Are you planning to read Harrow the Ninth?

Oh, definitely! I even preordered the special signed sprayed edges version from Illumicrate because I can’t resist a special edition but it’s still sealed. D: I’m still stuck on the current books I’m “reading” and TV is just so tempting instead…

Hmm, finished Gideon the Ninth! I didn’t mind the ending personally, maybe ’cause I’m still processing right now, though I can definitely understand! But wow, all I can say is that I’m really looking forward to the sequel and Gideon is just so ??

Damn, since you sent this late last night, you must have read nonstop. Glad the ending didn’t send you reeling, BUT! Anon! Were you warned? Instead of being COMPLETELY blindsided? Like one poor innocent reader who had NO IDEA what was about to happen and blithely read the ARC she trusted with her foolish girlish heart? Hmmmmm? 😛

But yes, the need I had for the sequel upon finishing! I don’t even think there’s a date, although, there are titles! Not just for the second, Harrow the Ninth,

which you probably saw at the end of this one, but the third one is called Alecto the Ninth?? What is that?? Who is that?? Did I miss some random mention of some being who’ll become significant? Is it like, a combination of Gideon and Harrow?

Oh, I just checked again on goodreads, Harrow the Ninth, June 2nd 2020. That’s…not that far from now? I had to literally check my desktop calendar to make sure this year was 2019, it feels crazy that the sequel’s coming out in less than a year? I’d expect, if June, of 2021. The second Teixcalaan book will come out 18 months after the first one. But maybe part of the reason it took so long for Gideon to come out was the polishing up of the next one? And it’s almost ready? …assuming the date’s even correct, of course. Heh.

But anyway, I loved Gideon the character, and I absolutely need her to be a major part of the next book.