Hopefully on the next episode of for all mankind we see a worried pam since we have no idea what happened to ellen yet. I know they aren’t together anymore but i’m sure pam still cares a lot for ellen.

I was thinking the exact same thing, anon! I’ve watched that last scene a bunch of times, mostly for the tension ratcheting up, and then the Molly rescue, and it was certainly suspenseful to have TWO ships in trouble at the same time, but 24 literally went off screen and all focus shifted to 25.The last we hear of it is that it’s still all quiet and gonna miss the moon by a large distance and from that I’ve seen people say Ellen dies, which she might still, but she hasn’t yet, not in this ep.

If you watch the start, the burst of speed when the engine fires knocks her head against the console, presumably unconscious, and that’s why 24 goes silent. I expect most of the last ep to deal with her waking up and helping Deke, or maybe be helped by him if he’s able to get inside, and then they have to figure out how to either get to the moon after all or get home. If she dies, it’ll be in this ep (and obviously I hope it won’t happen).

And through that all, I better see Pam watching it unfold and be concerned as heck! Otherwise, what even is the point of it all.

Besides all the pain and disasters happening on For All Mankind, at least we got to see Karen hang out with Wayne again. I always feel like Karen should just scream out all her frustrations and sadness but getting high with Wayne and actually talking things out is good too lol.

Lol, yes, beside all that. Actually, though, I thought the Disaster in the last ep unfolded so well? The use of music in that scene alone…. I just hope against hope that poor Harry Liu survived. 

Yeah! It was a relief to see where Karen ended up, you felt she was clearly (and understandably) unraveling. It was good she was able to get some of that out with Wayne. What good unlikely companions they’re becoming. 🙂

the cobbs and the stevenses are the only valid het ships in fam. (not really f/f soz, its just that the fandom for this shows kinda nonexistent)

Heh, it’s fine, I’ve been known to ship the odd m/f couple. The Cobbs, Molly can do whatever Molly wants, but the Stevens, Gordo…I like him but I can so see every conflicted feeling Tracy has about him, he can be funny, charismatic, surprisingly caring, but god, along with that came a whole lot of other stuff.

It almost feels like he and Tracy would be AMAZING friends, how they were in the latest ep. And not even because I want Tracy to be with a woman, I’m fine with her story just being a supportive friend and apparently the most maverick astronaut of all, lol, I found it kind of hilarious and wonderful that no matter how privileged the male astronauts are, they all came up through the military, so even the most bullheaded and expert astronaut will bow to mission control’s decisions, they understand chain of command. But these women, the very act of getting this far has only come from bucking so many conventions and instructions, so Molly with the ice hunting for example, and then Tracy with Molly, they’re just not gonna listen. What’s the worst that could happen? What they’ve been secretly expecting would happen from the start?

But anyway, not to go off on a Tracy tangent, I mean, I do like Gordo on his own and I understand he’s struggled, but in their marriage, Tracy was the one who had to put up with so much. Maybe it’ll settle into a nicer balance like it’s kind of starting to, I’d be okay with that. But he’s still on probation with me.