Omgggg Mayko was in below her mouth! Never put that together Bc she had a bit part and I’d never seen killjoys yet when I first saw that movie. The movie was honestly so bad but I remember being annoyed that the gorgeous girl wasn’t in it more. She really needs some starring roles so we can be blessed w her face for longer lol

Yep! I think somebody had told me she was in it, but at the time, I liked Delle Seyah but I didn’t love Delle Seyah, you know? I think what people don’t get about f/f ships is that, yeah, we do develop this loyalty and dedication toward them because of scarcity, but those characters genuinely get to be fleshed out and get emotional arcs that appeal to us, like any well done romance, and that’s a huge character development avenue they just blocked for us for so long. S3 and especially s4 hadn’t happened yet so I just never really did anything with the knowledge that she was in this movie. 

But now! God, I went through so much of her IMDB page and just downloaded it. She’s been in a LOT of things! But I genuinely don’t know if she really wants a lot of TV success. If you listened to this podcast from earlier this year, she talks about how theater is actually her real love, TV almost seems to be there to pay the bills. And of course, it is just going to be harder for her to hit it big as a WOC and on the wrong side of 30. 

Currently, she’s on that police procedural Hudson and Rex. When I first found out about it, I screeched to my friend, she’s third billed to a dog? But obviously she is actually the second lead and there is the will they/won’t they with the main guy, so I guess I hope it does well.