can we talk about the scene where Sergio was drooling over juls and how good she looked and then Val asked him: “Are you alright? do you need some air? do you need water?” sis been there 2 minutes ago ?

Hah, that’s right. I love that the show literally had her have a breakdown over Juls in that dress and then minutes later have her visibly irritated and jealous over someone having THE SAME REACTION AS HER.

Look at her during Sergio’s initial reaction:

Juls is taken aback but mostly just amused, looking to Val all “get a load of this guy” but Val is SO not amused, it’s hilarious. The level of offense she is taking at somebody thinking Juls looks good in that dress! A horrible crime to Val if the person committing it isn’t her.

And then of course

The hair toss and everything! And remember, as we just covered again in the last ask, this is the guy Val was trying to set Juls up with! No more whispered “I think he likes you.” Oh, he does, and that is unpalatable to Val.

But the funniest part is, like you said, anon, two minutes ago she was the same. No, not two minutes, literally 15 seconds earlier while walking up to them!

And 15 minutes earlier:

And a few hours earlier:

You all right there, Val? Need to get some air? Maybe water to quench your INCREDIBLE THIRST?

idk why but one of my fav juliantina moments is when they’re at the park and Val is tryna convince Juliana to let her buy Juls something nice to wear for guille’s party.. and val does her little puppy dog eyes and says please in that little voice and Juliana almost immediately gives in…. and then the lip bite jeeeeezzz …. ughhhh so softtttt

Yeah, that’s a great scene that highlights everything good about them. Juls is honest about her concerns and her limits as far as receiving things goes, and Val makes it clear to Juls that she has understood and acknowledged all that and is specifically working on Juls’s terms. It’s so important that they’re both hearing and thinking about what the other wants. Their friendship and relationship is basically about them trying to give each other everything it’s within their power to give and convincing them to accept it, lol.