okay so for big sky i think they’ll just move on to finding Ronald bc he’s driven off right? cassie and the blonde lady (i always forget her name) don’t know about him but the girls know he’s the one that kidnapped them. they were right with the trucker angle but bc Ronald doesn’t have a record they didn’t find him. i think we’re good with the girls now (at least i hope, i’m so done with the kidnapping plot) and the blonde lady is right behind Cassie arriving at the bar. i can see them having something with the traffickers but they didn’t make a huge deal about them, there wasn’t a voice on the other end of the phone indicating they didn’t cast anyone for that role. i feel like the traffickers will see either Cassies car or ricks body and leg it.

Yeahhh, but I dunno if finding RONALD would take half a season? You do make good points about there not being any other reference to the traffickers and they did highlight that Jenny (blonde lady) was on her way. But that could still mean she’s arrives too late or to sees them take all the now four victims, but then I also don’t think that situation could last for long, Cassie trying to free herself and the girls is something I don’t see going on for more than an ep. It seems more likely there’ll be a bigger pivot. 

Well, maybe the traffickers become the new case they work on? But given this is a series of books, that seems…unlikely, unless this is just super loosely based on them. Well, I guess they do still have to find Cody’s body? I dunno, heh, this is probably more speculation than is really deserved.

Yeah, the way they framed that final scene, it sure seemed like it was setting up to have someone knock her out from behind. I will be annoyed if in the first five minutes of the next ep next year, she rescues the girls… and then the traffickers show up and recapture them. But yeah, I don’t know what the plot will be if she does rescue them, but neither do I want she and them to just be captured again.

Exactly, exactly! I dunno what the books did and I’m sure they’re not following too closely anyway, so it’s not even like we can look there. I just don’t want Cassie to also be knocked out, that’d just be such a drag, the whole draw is her as a PI. And at this stage, another way the girls almost got out, I’d be so mad.

I wonder where they’re going to go now with Big Sky. I was on EDGE thinking the worst snd then the easiest thing happened but this show… I’m scared.

I know! After everything I said yesterday, I totally got that wrong. I don’t think Ronald’s gonna come up behind Cassie and take her hostage, so then…are the three saved? And he’ll be taken into custody? I dunno what they have to spend the whole second half of their initial season on? Unless…entirely new case? But they’re not gonna abandon these girls or Ronald or Legarski’s wife, so. Oh, maybe the trafficking…customers they were expecting will arrive? But again, will the show really put Cassie in a situation she’ll need to be saved from?

I really hated Erik and then by the end he really was just kind of dumb but good at heart. Like this was kind of the perfect villian origin story.

Same, I hated him at the start for how horrible he was to the illegitimate kids but he went through enough personality transplants that by the end I kind of liked him. But who knows what would have happened next season, this show is the opposite of consistent (except making Ginger the awesomest–we’re lucky we didn’t see HER ruined too).

This is just an idea but I have a feeling that they are slowly moving carina away from Greys. Camilla who plays greys says that Jo will have a career change. She has been seen with 2 births already. I think she will switch to OB who knows then what Carina will do.

Oh, you think so? I haven’t watched Grey’s in a bit but that would be sad for Carina, unless she makes up for it in a similar role in Station 19. She genuinely does seem to love her job so while I would welcome any change where we see more of her in general, I hope it’s not at the expense of this.

i know i am late to the party. i just finished warrior (2019) and do you know what i would have liked to see more than irish terrorist gets a romantic semi-plot? seeing lai, ah sahm, and ah toy bond in those two months they’ve been disposing of racists. and i wish the fung hai killed bill because i don’t like that little bitch

“do you know what i would have liked to see more than irish terrorist gets a romantic semi-plot?”

Anything?? 😛 Gosh.

But yes, god, there was so much they could have done with the literal, you know, warriors of the show. I wish Hong’d joined their group too and it was just casual vigilantism. And man, Bill, I think the reason I resented Leary so much was that we already HAD this corrupt victim-complex white guy getting so much screentime and story. But main character plot armor. -_-

it is impossible they fix on the boys when this show is about girls and when clearly there is still a lot to tell with them and follow relationships and developement with the girls, and now what happen between the shark atck until they are rescued/kidnap fr the lunatic bitch, and also how they will expose them, they didnt start to create this friendships, romance and family dynamics to throw it away without continuation i know is hard to trust tv shows lately but comn all the crew are woman.

I don’t think anybody’s expecting them to fully throw away the girls, the hypothetical is that the focus will shift. 

Now that the bulk of the island story and their individual background eps are over, with the post-shark, rescue, and whatever resulted in Shelby as she is now parts not enough to be a full show, especially one that satisfies the premise (stuck on a deserted island), they may shift over to the boys and perhaps contrast how they handle specific obstacles to how the girls did, while also focusing on continuing the girls’ story, both wrapping up what happened on the island and what happens now in the bunker. 

Or, they may simply…oof, they may escape the bunker and realize they now have to get off a different remote island. I would prefer that, screw the boys, lol.

Ugh I just finished watching the wilds and that cliffhanger!!! (I really hope we don’t get a repeat of tbh and that’s where the show ends :/ ) Gotta say all the characters ended up growing on me, even the ones I thought wouldnt like Fatin, speaking of Fatin her storyline pissed me off the most, in the sense that I felt SO bad for her I mean her dad screwed up royally and yet….

Ugh, I know, TBH is still the one cancellation I’m mourning hardest from this year. I’m not sure of the chances for s2 for this one, I feel like Prime has more money to play with than other networks at the moment and it’s gotten good reviews but maybe not that buzz~? It’s their first YA so they may decide to stick with it for now, instead of trying with another, Netflix’s approach.

What, you didn’t think you’d like–well, remembering Fatin in the very first ep, on the plane…okay, she did put across a certain aggressively clueless vibe, but I adored her soon enough. And yeah, the unfairness of her backstory rankled, but that’s desi culture for you. >_> Well, really, any image-first culture. 

I dont really think the boys will be very important to the plot. I feel like they are simply the comparison group that suposed to prove that in the exact same situation boys will act out while girls will raise up to the challenge and show how much more equiped they are to handle hard situations. So i think maybe they may show a few scenes with them just to compare but i dont count on much more. Btw at this point i feel like they are treating the girls as a failed experiment

Oh, hmm, a failed experiment…well, heh. I dunno, I feel like what they wanted to prove…but did they get enough data. Actually, until the control group finishes, they can’t really verify anything.

The thing about the boys is that I do absolutely think they can deliver a group of relatable, likable boys with their own issues, some similar, some diametrically opposite (e.g., how the patriarchy handles prom), but the issue with that is they’re always going to be considered replacements for the girls. It won’t be an entirely new show with this setting, which, that’s it’s own thing, but at least you’d know what you’re getting into with that, in this case it’ll be a deliberate choice to shift focus and priority away from the girls on this female-centric show. 

Especially because I don’t think the boys will fail, I think the point of the show is that, maybe they’ll get into more physical fights, but overall they’ll ultimately end up similarly. So…I dunno, will we start on the boys and then slowly integrate what’s going on with the girls, have them be rescued and them meeting? Once the groups mix, that changes the dynamic of the show completely.